Our Values
About Us
Our STUDENTS can and will achieve as well or better than any other students across our great state and across our country.
- Our TEACHERS and STAFF can and will help our students achieve at such high levels.
- Our PRINCIPALS can and will lead our teachers and students to these high levels.
- Our PARENTS and COMMUNITY can and will support and celebrate this success.
District News and Updates
Stay informed with the latest updates! Our News section is dedicated to student achievements, exciting initiatives happening around the district, and events that engage our parents and families.
Our district is making strong progress post-Covid.
In partnership with the Alexandria Museum of Art, this juried exhibit features 40 outstanding student works selected for their creativity and skill.
Dr. Cade Brumley, State Superintendent, delivered the keynote address to 375 students, 50 teacher leaders, and 27 judges as they came together to celebrate and support the next generation of educators.
National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
According to The Nation’s Report Card—widely recognized as the gold standard for measuring student achievement—Louisiana moves to 32nd in National Rankings.
“What drives me is the desire to be the best I can be and to serve my country,” Matthew says.